Happy February 1st everyone! I can’t believe 2019 is in full swing and we are already finished with January. I know a lot of people felt like January was a super long month, but for me, it went by really fast. My husbands birthday is the 18th and mine was on the 25th. This year was a huge milestone birthday for me because I turned 30 years old. I have to admit, I wasn’t too happy to turn 30. I knew when I turned 29 that 30 was right around the corner, and I think that is when my panic set in. Why did I panic a year before I actually turned 30? Well, I am starting to realize now that it is all because of the expectations I placed on myself.
Expectations can really cause a lot of anxiety and stress. So as my 30th birthday approached, I could feel my anxiety getting worse. Why? After having many talks with myself and self-reflecting, I think I felt like I should be at a certain stage in my life, I should have accomplished certain things, I should be making “x” amount of money, or I should have certain things by now. But the reality is, I don’t and that is totally okay.
Now that I am a week past my 30th birthday, I am trying to be kinder to myself and realize that my journey isn’t what I expected it to be, and I am becoming okay with that. I have so much more to learn, so much more to accomplish, and while I felt like 30 was the end of the world, it really isn’t! I have had to change my perspective and shift my mentality a bit.
I am trying to be more proactive about things I have always wanted to do. I am making more time for myself and right now that includes waking up earlier than I have been the past few months to get to the gym and do Pilates classes. It sounds like a very small thing, but it is actually making me feel so much better about myself, and it is really helping me get my day started. Plus, I just feel like I am doing something good for my body and my soul!
I told my husband that from now on, I will be saying “this is thirty” in response to everything I do. I say it half jokingly, but also because I feel like maybe I am finally starting to accept the things I cannot change or control. I guess maturity and wisdom does come with age. So “This Is Thirty”!
I challenge all of you do to something for yourself each day, whether it be big or small, for 5 minutes or for an hour. It is important that we invest into ourselves so that we can be more productive and successful and be able to give back to those around us that we love and work with on a regular basis.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Sending you lots of love and positivity!

The post This Is Thirty appeared first on Bisous, Brittany.