I can’t even believe that my first trimester is over and I am few weeks into my second trimester. During the first trimester, I definitely felt like it was going by super slow. And sometimes, I do feel like it still is. But now, looking back to when we found out that we were pregnant, it really has in the blink of an eye!
Let me just start this blog post off by saying that every single pregnancy is so different and unique. It is not a one size fits all, but I do feel like it is super important for women to document their pregnancies so that other women can see what others have experienced, know what to expect, know if what they are going through may be normal, etc. I have definitely reached out to so many of the women in my life that recently had babies, are currently pregnant, and the OG mom’s who have multiple children. It is nice to take bits and pieces of everyone’s journey and talk through the many changes that happen throughout pregnancy.
So let’s get started!
When we found out

On Friday, July 5, I decided to take a pregnancy test because my period was over a week late. I didn’t tell my husband he went to work for half of the day, we were heading up to Orlando that evening for a weekend trip, everyone was packing, and of course, I wasn’t 100% sure what was happening and I didn’t want to over react.
My best friend, Kristina, had given me a box of ovulation tests and pregnancy tests a month or two prior because she just had a baby and clearly didn’t need them anymore. She knew Tyronne and I were trying to have a baby, which I will discuss in another blog post to come, so this kit really came in handy for me.
The issue is, the pregnancy tests are the ones that show either 1 line (not pregnant) or 2 lines (pregnant). This was super confusing for me, because when I first took the test, there was a very very very faint second line, but it was so faint that I was like “okay, I can’t be pregnant”. Come to find out later, typically if there is any form of a line, faint or very visible, you are most likely pregnant. Well, throughout that morning and afternoon, I took 3 of those pregnancy tests, all with the same 2nd faint line.
We drove up to Orlando that day, and I hadn’t mentioned anything to Tyronne until we arrived in Orlando. We got to our room and I told him, “I think I might be pregnant, but I need to get a pregnancy test that says Pregnant or Not Pregnant.” So we decided that after we had dinner with everyone, we would go to a CVS and pick up another pregnancy test.
Sarah was in town that day, so after bringing her back to her hotel, we went to CVS around 11pm-12am and picked up a Clear Blue pregnancy test! We headed back to our hotel, where I was sharing a room with my little sister and Tyronne was sharing a room with our nephew.
While Tyronne was showering, I took the test on my own because I was too excited to wait. I saw that it said Pregnant and could not believe it! So I texted Tyronne and said, “let me know when you are out the shower so we can take the test together.” We he texted me back a few minutes later, I headed to meet him in his bathroom and told him the exciting news! We were both so excited and happy and couldn’t stop hugging and smiling!
Who we told first
Immediately after taking the test, I told Tyronne we should tell my sister. We were heading to a water park the next day with my parents, and I wanted to tell them the news in the morning, so I figured Alexa could help us plan a cute way of sharing the news with them.
We walked into our room where Alexa was watching one of her shows (and of course recorded her reaction), and I showed her the pregnancy test! She started bawling and hugging me, which obviously made me cry! I am so happy Tyronne recorded that moment because it was so special.
We then had some planning to do! We decided to run out to Walgreens and see if they had anything to share the news with my parents. And luckily, we found the cutest “Grandma” and “Grandpa” shirts to give to my parents the next morning! I also have their reaction recorded and definitely want to compile all of the beautiful reactions I received when we told our family that we are having a baby!

My first doctors appointment

I made my first appointment on Tuesday, July 16. Because it was so early on in my pregnancy, the doctor told me to come back in two weeks for my first sonogram. But they did do a urine test to confirm that I was pregnant, but that was about all they could do at that point. My second appointment was on Friday, August 9, where we did our first sonogram, which was so exciting! It was still pretty early on in our pregnancy, about 7-8 weeks. But it was so nice to get a visual confirmation that our baby was there and healthy!
To be honest, I have had such an amazing pregnancy. I did not have any morning or night sickness, which I am so grateful for! I felt pretty normal my whole first trimester. I did loose about 7 lbs. because I really wasn’t interested in too many foods. It wasn’t a feeling of sickness, just nothing sounded appetizing to me. I am such a big coffee drinker. Prior to pregnancy, I would have 2-3 cups a day. Being pregnant, I realized any type of strong coffee, I could not stomach. I felt like it was too much acid for my stomach. This isn’t a bad issue, because you are only supposed to have 200 ml of caffeine a day while pregnant. So this worked in my favor.
Also, I am a huge ice cream person not pregnant. But being pregnant, I haven’t wanted any ice cream at all. Actually most sweets, I am not about while pregnant. I think because it is a lot of sugar and dairy, my stomach just wasn’t interested in ice cream either.
All in all, aside from not wanting my intake of coffee and ice cream, not much else changed during my first trimester, and I am so happy about that!
Prenatal Vitamins
Prior to getting pregnant, I started taking prenatal vitamins. I would say about a year prior, I was taking prenatal vitamins. The first were prescribed by my gynecologist, but I really hated the taste they had. So I switched to Olly “The Essential Prenatal Multi Vitamin”, which are gummy vitamins. They have folic acid and DHA, which are both crucial to have in your prenatal vitamins while pregnant.
Working out

Prior to getting pregnant, I had started to do Pilates four days a week. So once I found out I was pregnant, I continued with that same regime, which has been great! My OBGYN did recommend I start incorporating more cardio into my routine, so I am slowly trying to add that as well. My doctor told me that taking Pilates while pregnant was great. And that I should advise my Pilates instructor once I was in my second trimester.
I told my Pilates instructor when I was 14 weeks pregnant because he asked everyone to do a workout laying on our stomachs, which is when I knew I had to tell him I can’t participate in that workout. My instructor has been so great and accommodating to my pregnancy. Now every single time we do a workout, he will modify the routine for me if it is too difficult or not something I should be doing. I also listen to my body a lot more. I adjust the weight so that it isn’t to strenuous and take things a bit slower.
But my goal during this pregnancy is to remain as active as I can for as long as I can. So I will continue Pilates and cardio throughout my pregnancy, and just make sure I am not overexerting myself.
The Gender Reveal
I did a full post on our Gender Reveal, which you can read here! But just a quick recap, we hosted a small Gender Reveal party when I was 12 weeks pregnant with our close family and friends. It was on Sunday, September 8th, and it was so much fun! Be sure to check out the post for all the details and how we pulled the party together in 3 days!
Due Date
Our baby boy is due mid-March and he is expected to be a Pisces! Our due date initially was towards the beginning of the month, but once we had our first sonogram, they told us we were due a little bit later. Either way, we can’t wait to meet our little guy whenever he decides to come!
I hope you enjoyed my little recap of my First Trimester. I have picked up a Pregnancy Journal that I have yet to start writing in. But I will! I want to be sure I remember everything that happened during this pregnancy so I can look back one day and remember what a great experience it was!
Thank you all for stopping by!

The post My Pregnancy Journey| The First Trimester appeared first on Bisous, Brittany.