Shirt: c/o Peace Love World, Jeans: Target, Sneakers: Converse, Vest: Banana Republic (Similar Here), Watch: Michael Kors, Necklace: c/o Candy Couture Shop
GIVEAWAY ALERT! Lifestyle brand Peace Love World launched their first ever 100% Certified Organic Cotton collection, “Good Food Good Mood,” exclusively with Whole Foods Market in February 2016! This shirt has to be the most comfortable tee I have ever owned and it has such a cute saying, so I just love it that much more!
This campaign is part of the Good Food Good Mood movement, where if you eat well, you feel great. So I am excited today to be giving away a $25 gift card to Whole Foods!
Head over to my Instagram (@BisousBrittany) and do the follow:
1. Like my photo with the {Kiwi Be Friends} shirt
2. Follow me, @PeaceLoveWorld and @WholeFoods
3. Finally, comment below to tell me what your favorite healthy food is that makes you feel great
Best of luck!
The post Good Food Good Mood appeared first on Bisous, Brittany.