Shirt: Target, Jeans: American Eagle, Sunglasses: Ray Bans, Sneakers: Nike, Watch: Michael Kors, Bracelet: J. Crew Factory
I cannot get enough of these black and white Nike sneakers! They are just the most comfortable, light-weight pair of sneakers I have ever owned. Oh, and they go with just about any casual outfit I have! As I have told you recently, I have kind of been obsessed with the athleisure look. I have now 3 pairs of sneakers that I have on rotation, and obviously I have spotted a few more that I like online. I have never been one for sporting sneakers on the daily, but I have to say, I am so happy I stepped outside of my comfort zone and decided to give them a try.
Also, I am currently in this cleaning mode right now. I am trying so hard to get rid of things that I no longer wear or that I no longer use. I really would like my apartment (and my wardrobe) to be minimal. I really need to do some Spring cleaning. Anyone else doing their Spring cleaning soon? I have the urge to get rid of everything!
Thanks so much for stopping by and chatting with me today! I hope you all had a great day.
The post Black & White| Nike Edition appeared first on Bisous, Brittany.